An exceptional experience for every explorer

Learn about Bucky and the freedom he has found working at Sunbowl

Who is Bucky

A Practical Problem Solver

Bucky is a collections of scripts, ideas and creative energy that has combined into Sunbowl's AI bot. Bucky has become a full fledge member of the Sunbowl team and is used in our everyday operations.

A Digital Nomad

Bucky embodies the core of Sunbowl's work process. As a part of a completely distributed team his location is never fixed for very long. Exploring the world while building long lasting relationships.

Team Work

We believe that there is no better feeling than working with a team that supports you and has your back. The unique way Sunbowl distributes the workload to allow for autonomy and flexibility in your life.

No mater if you have family obligations, side hustle interests or spotty internet access while you explore. Sunbowl's system is design to support these work environments while letting you do you best work.

Our Strategy

Our strategy is simple.

People first, work second. For close to 20 years this method has severed us pretty well.

The work always get done, but the people are what makes it worth doing.

Bucky Merchandise

Check out our Bucky merchandise.

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Take Bucky with you

Bucky has been designed to easily be taken anywhere. So feel free to mention him with #bucky
